GDC agrees revised standards for dental professionals

GDC agrees revised standards for dental professionals
The General Dental Council (GDC) has updated its standards guidance and renamed it Standards for the Dental Team, to take account of Direct Access and the new role of Dental Care Professionals. It has also taken account of the Francis Report and places an obligation on those who lead a team to promote a culture where whistleblowing is allowed.

The document removes the requirement that patients should be seen by a dentist before any other member of the dental team. The guidance now states that registrants must introduce themselves to patients and explain their role ‘so that patients know what involvement registrants have in  their care’. It also says that they must ensure that patients are fully informed of the names and roles of the dental  professionals involved in their care (6.1.5).

In response to the Francis report, the guidance retains the requirement to put patients’ interests first. It also includes a new standard which states ‘that those who employ, manage or lead a team must encourage and support a culture where staff can raise concerns openly and without fear of reprisal’. The guidance also makes clear that ‘gagging clauses’ which prevent staff from raising concerns about patient safety must not feature in employment contracts.

The Francis report makes reference to health professionals having a duty of candour and the new Standards makes clear that registrants must be open and honest at all times. There is clear guidance on how to raise concerns and the guidance states that the duty to raise concerns overrides any personal or professional loyalties.

The guidance will come into force on September 30 this year and will receive extensive publicity both to the profession and public before then.


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