Glasgow's cost of dental treatment is highest in Scotland

Glasgow's cost of dental treatment is highest in Scotland
Dental treatment costs more in Glasgow than anywhere else in Scotland – around £57 for adults and £73 for children. NHS Ayrshire and Arran spent the second highest amount per patient, £52 for adults and £71 for children. Orkney was the cheapest for adults  at £23, while in the Western Isles the cost for children was the lowest at £32.

Arshad Ali, clinical director at the Scottish Centre for Excellence in Dentistry in Glasgow, said it was vital for parents to set a good example. He said: “In areas with higher levels of deprivation, such as Glasgow, information shows that dental health is poorer. Poor dental health is very much related to diet and frequency of tooth brushing.

“It is important that people brush regularly with fluoride toothpaste and for parents to pass on good advice to their children. It is important to get treatment early. You will get parents who bring children in at the first sign of a problem and others wait till their children are in real pain. At this point, the cost of treatment will be higher.”


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