Record numbers visit GDPUK site

Record numbers visit GDPUK site
Tony Jacobs reports that the website had it's busiest day ever on GDPUK on Tuesday 12th February 2013. The website had 2772 unique visitors on that day, all dental professionals.

Add to this 4,000 who read emails every day [a proven 120,000 per month], the reach of the site is wider and wider.

On February 19th, with further major issues affecting the UK dental sphere, the record was smashed again when 3,408 unique visitors logged into

GDPUK maintains a membership gateway so that the forum members [who can then contribute and read the forum] are only verified dental professionals. Bounce rate on the site remains low at around 20%, proving the site visitors are not the general public but dental professionals.

GDPUK's emails go out to registered users, and the mails are not just received, but opened to read the content therein. 


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