Surprise in many quarters at nominations for BDA PEC

Surprise has been expressed from many about some of those who have put themselves forward for election to the BDA’s new Principal Executive Committee (PEC). Names such as Susie Sanderson, Alison Lockyer and Paul Langmaid, who many assumed had no aspirations for high office at the BDA. Another surprise is that there were no nominations for the North West.

Ballot papers will be sent out on 30 April by the Electoral Reform Society who are running the election.

The PEC will replace the Representative Body and the Executive Board.

There are elections for constituencies, where some have been returned unopposed and three national seats. Members can stand for both types of seat which all of them are doing except for the three mentioned above who are only standing for national seats.

Elections to the Principal Executive Committee 2012

Northern Ireland




East Midlands and Central

Greater London


North West

Vacancy – by election to follow

South East

South West

West Midlands

Yorkshire and Humberside

UK wide (3 positions)


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