In the last few days, I have seen a three different things that have caught my attention when browsing the World Wide Web. I thought I would share them with you.

1.   Blog on Communities.

Jeff Bullas is a relatively well known blogger on all things social media. This weekend he published a guest blog by Michael Silverman titled “4 Reasons Why Brilliant Communities Are More Valuable than Your Social Media Strategy” The writer explains the reasons behind online communities being a great way for people from a certain niche to interact with each other on a secure platform. I was obviously attracted to the post because GDPUK is an online community but also because companies are presently very focused on social media but this blog offers a totally different way of how marketers engage with their audience. What do you think? Are communities more valuable than just focusing on social media?

2.   Bridge 2 Aid

Bridge2Aid is a dental charity based in Mwanza, Tanzania. They train rural-based Health Workers in developing countries, providing them with the skills, equipment and resources that they will need to provide emergency dental care in a world where a shocking 75% of the population currently do not have access to a dentist.

Due to circumstances beyond Bridge2Aid’s control, the charity needs to raise at least £50,000 before the end of March 2014 to ensure its vital work can continue. Please read more here. Unfortunately the charity was a victim of a sophisticated financial fraud and at the same time the charities main corporate sponsor is unable to keep funding the charity. Please follow this link if you would like to make a donation and support a worthwhile cause. At the time of writing nearly £15,000 has been donated in the space of a few days.

3.   Something different

I was taken to when browsing Facebook at the weekend. I often read the car magazine website but on this occasion a banner ad caught my eye. The ad was for Jaguar and I thought it was great, so please check it out. Looks like it was built on flash and has probably been done before elsewhere but is certainly a bit different. A sign that banner ads can be effective, especially when reaching the right audience?

Thanks for reading!