Public satisfaction with NHS fell in 2018

Public satisfaction with NHS fell in 2018

Satisfaction with NHS dentistry services was similar to the previous year at 58%, but overall satisfaction with the NHS and social care fell by 3% to 53%. This is according to the British Social Attitudes survey carried out between July and October 2018, which asked a nationally representative sample of 2,926 people about their satisfaction with the NHS overall.

The findings were analysed and published by the Nuffield Foundation and King’s Fund.

It found that public satisfaction with the NHS and social services continued to fall in 2018. Overall satisfaction was 53% – a 3 percentage point drop from the previous year and the lowest level since 2007. Older people were more satisfied than younger people: 61% of those aged 65 and over were satisfied with the NHS compared to 51% of those aged 18–64. Satisfaction levels also differed between supporters of different political parties: 58% of supporters of the Conservative party were satisfied compared to 51% of supporters of the Labour party.

The four main reasons people gave for being satisfied with the NHS overall were: the quality of care; the fact that the NHS is free at the point of use; the range of services and treatments available; and the attitudes and behaviour of NHS staff. The four main reasons people gave for being dissatisfied with the NHS overall were: long waiting times; staff shortages; a lack of funding; and money being wasted.

As far as individual services were concerned (percentage levels of satisfaction):


Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2018, Results from the British Social Attitudes survey from Kings Fund and Nuffield Trust



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