Helen Falcon appointed MBE

Helen Falcon appointed MBE

The Queen’s Birthday Honours list contained only one award to a member of the dental community. Helen Falcon, who recently  retired as postgraduate dean for dental education and training for Thames Valley, was appointed MBE. She was also chair of the UK Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors (COPDEND).

She was an appointed member of the General Dental Council from 2009-2013, a member of the GDC Education and Audit Committees and briefly chaired the Education Committee. She was a former President of the National Association of Prison Dentistry UK and was a member of Health Education England’s Dental Advisory Group.

Interviewed by BDJ earlier this year Helen said about her role with COPDEND: ‘When I first took over as Chair of COPDEND we had a facilitated away-day to determine the key things we needed to work together on to make a difference. From this we tackled assessed completion of foundation training, which we felt was the single most important thing we should do. Then we moved on to try and sort out core training, because it has no shape and needed a proper review’. Asked what achievements she was most proud of she said: ‘Professionally, I'm really proud of the work we have done on the educator standards that formalised the concept of focussing on education as well as dentistry. The other thing that I'm really pleased about is the support we provided to help set up a specialty trainees' forum.’

Anthony Kilcoyne
MBE Helen Falcon
A very well deserved recognition for Helen whom I have worked with via the GDC and CopDenD and who was always determined to do the right things in the right ways, even when circumstances didn't always lend themselves to those ends.

Yours impressed,



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