GDC relents on publishing registrant addresses

GDC relents on publishing addreses

The General Dental Council (GDC) has given in to pressure from the profession and decided it will no longer include full addresses on its public register of dentists and dental care professionals. The registration number would be used as the primary method of identification and to confirm professional status. The BDA is pleased that the GDC has today agreed to end its policy of publishing registrants’ addresses online.

The decision was taken following discussions with patients, the profession, the Department of Health and the Professional Standards Authority. There will now be a consultation to decide on whether to publish the name and registration number or the name, the registration number and town of where the dental professional lives. People will be able to continue to check the status of any dentist or dental care professional on the register by using their existing registration number which is unique to each dental professional.

The profession, led by dentist Dr Victoria Holden, had lobbied for this change with a petition commenced about two years ago. Since that time, the GDC has refused to change their stance, or to mirror the methods of other regulators.

BDA Chair Mick Armstrong said: "It is good news that the GDC has made this step in the right direction. The publication of addresses was unnecessary, and out of line with other regulators, as well as a potential risk to registrant safety. The BDA has campaigned long and hard on getting this policy changed.  The process of change is slow, but we expect the GDC to remain on course and implement this vital change. We hope that the GDC continues to adopt such a proportionate approach to all of its regulatory responsibilities."

Commenting on today's decision, Chair of the General Dental Council William Moyes, said: "This is an important decision which shows the Council has listened to and considered the views of patients, the profession, other regulators, the Department of Health and the Professional Standards Authority. The Council has decided to stop including individuals' addresses on the register which is in keeping with other regulators. Our role is to protect the public and we do this by making sure the individuals we allow onto the register meet our standards and have the right attributes and qualifications to be able to perform dentistry safely.

William Moyes added: “We must also hold an accurate and reliable register so the registration status of any dental professional can be checked by anyone at any time. We must balance public protection with protecting personal information. Publishing an address does not interfere with our duty to protect the public, or the purpose of the register, but could potentially pose a risk to a dental professional.

“We committed in our three year road map Patients, Professionals, Partners and Performance to be more transparent and, where appropriate, to actively consider a range of views about the decisions we take. I would encourage dental professionals to always display their registration number as good practice.  This will help to identify people carrying out dentistry unlawfully when they're not on the register, such as in cases of illegal tooth whitening."



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