Dentistry overlooked in parties’ manifestos

Dentistry overlooked in parties? manifestos

The BDA says it is disappointed that none of the three major Westminster parties mention dentistry in their manifestos. Despite the long-awaited reformed NHS dental contract, and an ongoing discussion on public health by all parties, no explicit reference to dentistry or dentists has been made, the BDA reports.

The BDA continues: ‘Policy relating to prevention and integration, by parties from across the political spectrum, chimes well with much of what the BDA has campaigned for, but it is regrettable that the dots have not been joined and the key importance of Britain's oral health has not been directly addressed. British healthcare is not just provided by doctors and nurses, but also by thousands of dentists across the UK.

After the election, the BDA says it will be working with the new government to try and fix dentistry's broken regulatory system and ‘bring in the reforms needed for a contract that works for dentists and their patients’.


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