Prof Lamey erasure quashed

Prof Lamey erasure quashed

A High Court judge, Mr Justice Weir, has quashed a decision against Professor Philip Lamey of Belfast to erase his name from the dental register and imposed a six-month suspension. The new terms imposed were reached on agreement with the parties following a hearing at the end of March.

Prof Lamey is a former consultant at the Royal Victoria Hospital’s School of Dentistry. In 2014 the GDC found him guilty of more than 100 charges of misconduct and removed him from its' register. He was removed from his job in Belfast in 2011 after serious concerns were raised about his work.

Based on perceived flaws in the GDC’s original decision, the sanction of erasure imposed by its Professional Conduct Committee was quashed. However, the High Court ordered he remain suspended until a review of the case in August. Prof Lamey is still not permitted to practise dentistry, according to the GDC.


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