GDC rejects BDA challenge

GDC rejects BDA challenge

The General Dental Council (GDC) has rejected a claim by the British Dental Association (BDA) that the current consultation on the level of the Annual Retention Fee (ARF) is unlawful. In a response to this letter today the GDC explains in detail that the consultation is based on a clear policy and that the consultation document includes sufficient information for dentists and dental care professionals to make informed responses.

The BDA wrote to the GDC on 24 July 2014 threatening to bring a judicial review and arguing that the current consultation should be suspended. The GDC’s position is that the consultation is being conducted fairly and lawfully.

The GDC says it is pleased that, to date, there have been more than 4000 responses.  All of them will be considered carefully, it continues,  and will form the basis of a report to the Council in September, at which point a decision on the level of the ARF will be made.

GDPUK considers the fact there have already been four thousand responses to the consultation shows the depth of feeling of injustice in the dental profession. GDC risks further issues if those 4000 responses are simply ignored.

The consultation on the fee level for 2015 was launched on 30 June and closes on 4 September 2014.

The GDC’s response can be found at:



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